Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Reign of Great Ruler - 1599 Words

Known as Sargon, or Sargon the Great. Sargon of Akkad is considered to be one of the first great conquerors of history. A Semitic ruler, he reigned from 2234 to 2279 b.c.e. As the first Mesopotamian Empire King he conquered many of the surrounding city-states forming the Akkadian Empire. Through his reign he conquered all of southern Mesopotamia, parts of Syria, Anatolia and Elam or Western Iraq. Sargon also built the first city of Babylon. Sargon was the first to unite the city-states of Sumer and Mesopotamia under Akkadian rule, building what could be considered the first multi-ethnic societies. Sargon empire used ideas from the cities he conquered and infused them in to the society. Sargon also created a bureaucracy with a standard of rules and procedures. Known largely for their military force, Sargon introduced the phalanx structure to military combat where soldiers lined up in equal spaced rows of men with overlapping shields and spears forming a human wall of protection. These military practices will become a standard for warfare, and would later be practiced by Alexander the Great. Sargon is remembered for incorporating city-states to become the first empire, beyond leading just to make sure that their communities were taken care of, they began looking to take from others through conquest. 2. Jesus Christ Jesus Christ is also known as Jesus of Nazareth and was born around the year 6 b.c.e.. Jesus was raised jewish but would be known as the central feature of theShow MoreRelatedComparing the Reign of Ramses II with the Reign of Sargon of Akkad691 Words   |  3 Pageslegand and considered among the great rulers of their civilizations. Ramses II was the Pharoah of Egypt from 1303 B.C. until 1213 B.C. During which time he expanded the Egyptian empire and founded a culture that would remain for hundreds of years. Sargon of Akkad was the King of Mesopotamia from 2270 B.C. until 2215 B.C. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Importance of Friendship and Healthy Relationships in...

Friendships are so important. They have always been important; but it seems to be the most important in my opinion. We see how friendships play important roles throughout our life span. Friendships are defined and formed in each stage of life from infancy. These include early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early adulthood, middle adulthood and late adulthood. Friendships grow from one stage to another. During this time friends become closer. Relationships start out as acquaintances and may stay like that for a period of time. An acquaintance is someone you know in passing. You may interact with this individual on occasion or on a regular basis. They are not your actual friend. They don’t fit in within the normal category of a†¦show more content†¦Early childhood begins the development of social and emotional skills. These determine the child’s mental health and wellbeing. It also allows them to develop solid healthy relationships. Children develop an d learn these skills through relationships that are important. Early childhood development skills; such as social and emotional skills, are developed through relationships with their parents, caregivers and teachers. Children who experience warm and trusting relationships are capable of managing their feelings and to cope with the bad and good in life. They are the ones that develop strong and trusting relationships. Middle childhood and adolescent children develop warm, responsive, and trusting relationships that are built from positive affirmation interactions over time. It is so important to know the needs of the child or children. These children will react in warm and positive ways. Here is an example; when a parent or caregiver understands the child is irritated they will respond by soothing and calming them. These relationships are essential in the change in peer relationships. â€Å"Middle childhood children have the ability to develop healthy relationships on social skill s with their peers (Berger, 2011).† Most of these children will socialize within the same sex. The relationships between their peers develop in social settings, background and environment. They like to have the ability to have interactionsShow MoreRelatedBeing A Parent Is The Most1610 Words   |  7 Pagessociety has failed to shed light upon is the depth of communication and nurturance that needs to be present in not just a healthy parent – child relationship, but all relationships. As society continues to advance, it is of no surprise that children too, are evolving as a highly individualistic population, as they are of the technological age. 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In particular, Cathy faces serious challenges in peer relationships, parent-child relationships, and sexual maturation. In the story, Cathy is not given the opportunity to development healthy peer relationships because she is trapped in an attic with only her siblings. Normally, during adolescence, teenagers begin to spend less time with their family and more time with their peers (Berk 2014). The development of friendships allows teenagers to explore themselves, develop an understandingRead MoreFreud vs. Erickson on Human Development1761 Words   |  7 PagesFreud vs. Erikson Erik Erikson and Sigmund Freud are well known within the field of psychology for their theories on human development. These two men acted both as scholars and psychoanalysts. Erikson was a psychologist and Freud a psychiatrist. Erik Erikson studied and taught Freudian theory in Vienna, where Freud once studied at the University and practiced as a psychiatrist. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Legt1710 Free Essays

LEGT1710: Business and the Law Assignment 1 Semester 1, 2013 Word Limit: 1000 words Due Week 4 – to be handed in to your tutor in your Week 4 tutorial class (ie: the week commencing Monday 25 March 2013) Part One (10 marks) Reflecting on the lectures about the doctrine of precedent and how judges can make laws in the Australian legal system, and using Latimer’s Australian Business Law (CCH, 2013), explain how judicial decisions can change the law and what is meant by â€Å"the common law†. Use case examples to illustrate your answer. (Suggest 700-800 words) Part Two (5 marks) Australia was originally governed from England. We will write a custom essay sample on Legt1710 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Imagine that the British Government passed an Act which stated that: â€Å"All land in New South Wales shall be held on leasehold title from the Crown. † Would this be a valid Act if passed in: (1) 1795? (2) 1895? (3) 1995? (Suggest 200-300 words) Guidelines for Assignment 1: Your starting point will be to read the: †¢ †¢ week 1 and 2 lecture notes and tutorial materials. elevant chapters of Paul Latimer’s Australian Business Law32nd edn, 2013. Students may also want to consider referring to: †¢ other business law textbooks available through the UNSW Law Library; †¢ online materials available on the UNSW Library database (such as journal articles, cases, commentaries etc). Students are asked NOT TO BOTHER THE LAW LIBRARIANS unnecessarily. Students should reference their answers appropriately – see Course Outline at Appendix A, pp 6-9. (NOTE: a bibliography is NOT required for this Assignment. ) How to cite Legt1710, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Airbnb Case Study- Global Marketing Management- Free Sample Solution

Question: Explain what features of Airbnbs service fulfil the five dimensions of service quality. How do the features contribute to creating and maintaining long-term customer relationships? Answers: The five dimensions of service quality that ensures the creation of long term customer relations are: Tangibles: the physical surroundings and the facilities that are available along with other components like the way customers are treated and spoken to and equipments. In the case of Airbnb, the tangibles are the interface that the customers and the service providers are using. Here the tangible is user friendly and customers are provided with a seamless and fast tour of the various sections that include sections like the personal choice where travelers can connect with local hosts. The website stimulates the consumer while the customer looks at the pages and makes the customer gets a feeling being at the destination. This creates customer satisfaction and creates chances of the customer returning to the website (Zeithaml and Parasuraman, 2004). Reliability: this refers to the efficient delivering the services that a company promises to deliver. Airbnb, provides insurance for damages of upto $1 million for host listings at every booking that is made. This is applicable throughout the area where the company offers services. The company also gives a number of measures that seek to secure the protection of both the guests and the hosts and the service quality. T he company also adheres to the commitment of maintaining personal data protection of both the guests and the hosts. This creates confidence among the users of the website. Responsiveness: this refers to the way the company reacts and the attitude of the company in fulfilling the needs of the customers and providing good quality and fast goods and services. Providing this service ensures that the customer feels valued and tend to go away satisfied. In the case of Airbnb, the company has a very responsive website that is fast and hence guests can browse fast through the website (Schneider and White, 2004). The company also has a very responsive 24 hour helpline facility that caters to customer queries. This high level of quality of service creates a unique experience for the gusts and the service users. Assurance: this refers to the skill level of the employees and the degree to which they are able to cater to the needs of the customers so that a sense of trust and confidence is created in the minds of the customers (Zeithaml and Parasuraman, 2004). In the case of Airbnb, the customer service people are the major employees that interact with the customers and are very responsive to cater to satisfaction of customer needs. The IT department of the company also strives to ensure that the platform on which the company website operates is seamless, user-friendly and fast for gusts and visitors. Empathy: This refers to the way the company provides individual service to the customers by providing individual attention to the customers (Kandampully, Mok and Sparks, 2001). This role is completed by the customer service employees of the company who interact directly with the gusts. More over the website itself is designed in a way that caters ot the personal needs and preferences of customers and guests. References Kandampully, J., Mok, C. and Sparks, B. (2001). Service quality management in hospitality, tourism, and leisure. New York: Haworth Hospitality Press. Schneider, B. and White, S. (2004). Service quality. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. Zeithaml, V. and Parasuraman, A. (2004). Service quality. Cambridge, Mass.: Marketing Science Institute.